Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stop time please!

Two years ago from today I thought I was gonna die. I was having the WORST contractions and didn't think I would make it until I got the the epidural. Little did I know, I held out longer than I thought-I didn't get it until I was 7 cm dilated. I can't believe that Brett will be 2 tomorrow. 7:59AM to be exact. It's funny to think how much my life has changed. I can no longer make my quick trips to Target or the $ Tree. If I go to Starbucks-I have to get a cup of water for Brett so he doesn't feel left out. can never just "run out of the house"-I have to make sure the diaper bag is stocked. Brett has made my life complete in so many ways. I love how my marriage is stronger and deeper-I love Nic all over again when I see him with Brett. I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life-say the garbage truck perhaps? It is a Friday ritual for us to go out in our jam-jams and watch the garbage man come down our court. Brett gets so much pleasure from waving to him-it melts my heart. Brett started saying the word "No" two weeks ago, and my God does he love it! It actuallt sounds like "neew"...I need to get it recorded. He doesn't walk anymore-he runs full on. When he is so excited about something, he'll run so fast that sometimes he runs into doors or walls;it's quite funny to watch. Speaking of watching, be on the lookout for Brett on the PGA tour soon. He's the next Tiger Woods. So what if he likes to hit the golf ball with a bat! He makes solid contact almost every time. Amazing hand-eye cordination that one has! Didn't get it from mommy, that's for sure! I love you Brett! Happy 2nd birthday Scooter!

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